Bosting of writing skill by using interactive venn diagram technique

Bosting of writing skill by using interactive venn diagram technique


  • Nanda Novia Almuslim University
  • Eli Nofriati Almuslim University



The Students’ Problem, writing test, interactive venn diagram, lesson study


The title of this research is “bosting of writing skill by using interactive venn diagrm technique  (A lesson Study base at SMA 2 peusangan). The problem of the research is : How is the implementation of writing by using  interactive venn diagram to second  grade students of SMAN  Peusangan through lesson study ?

The purpose of the research is : To bosting students’ writing  skill through the implementing interactive venn diagram technique to the second  grade students of  SMAN 2 Peusangan. Writing is generally considered the most difficult skill to learn, not only because of the need to master many English skills; reading, writing, and listening, but also because of the differences between the rules of the learner's mother tongue and the language being studied. There  were  some  difficulties  that  students  face  during  writing  the  descriptive  paragraph.  First,   the  problem  in  developing  the  ideas.  Some  students  wrote  many  main  ideas  in  one  paragraph;  the  idea  of  the  paragraph  was  still  ambiguous.  Sometimes, it is also found that some  paragraphs  were  written  in  one  sentence  only, The  idea  of  the  paragraph was still not clear. Second, the  problem  in  organizing  the  ideas to  write  a  narrative  text. Third,  the  students  found difficulties  in  grammar. Third,  the  students  found difficulties  in  grammar. Fourth,  when  students proceed  writing  something,  many problems  could  be  found, Some students are lack of vocabularies and they  also  have  difficulties  in developing their ideas related to their  topic. The  Fifth  difficulty  was students’  related  with  spelling,  punctuation and capitalization.

. Lesson Study is a study used by researchers with the aim of boosting students' writing skills with one or more technique in their class. The instruments used to collect the data are writing  test and questionnaires.

 Based on the analysis of the students’ writing test, the researcher explained that the average persentage of the writing  test is 49,33 %, the percentage showed that the problems are faced by students was from many aspect, such as : Feeling Crisis of IdeasIt is very difficult to start writing, for fear of being wrong/lack of confidence, or wanting the writing to be perfect immediately.


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How to Cite

Nanda Novia, & Eli Nofriati. (2022). Bosting of writing skill by using interactive venn diagram technique: Bosting of writing skill by using interactive venn diagram technique. Journal of English Education and Social Science, 2(1).