Development of Web Based Employee Leave Management Information System at PT Sarana Kreasindo Teknologi


  • Restu Fauzi Lesmana Politeknik LP3I
  • Lita Lestrai Utami Universitas Ma'soem Bandung



Information System, Employee Leave, Web Based


An employee is someone who works or has worker status in an organization, company or
government agency. This individual has the responsibility to carry out the duties and obligations that have
been determined by the rules and policies that apply in the workplace. Meanwhile, leave is a period of time
where an employee is given permission not to come to work for a certain period of time. Providing leave is a
privilege given to employees as part of company policy or applicable employment regulations. The research
method used to create a web-based leave application system with research method that can be used is the
system development method. This method involves steps such as requirements analysis, system design,
implementation, testing, and evaluation. With research inti the development of a web based leave management
recorded in a systematic and perfectly monitored manner in a database.


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How to Cite

Lesmana, R. F., & Utami, L. L. (2024). Development of Web Based Employee Leave Management Information System at PT Sarana Kreasindo Teknologi. Jurnal Tika, 9(1), 44–52.