• Mira Chairani Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Almuslim-Bireuen



The question of this researchedwas students’learning achievement. The focus of reseacrhed was on the factors that influence students’learning achievement,consist of self-efficacy, learning motivation, andself-regulated learning. Based on the notion, the main question was whether self eficacy, learning motivation, andself-regulated learning have influences on students’ learning achievement, partially and simultaneously. The method of study was Explanatory Survey Method, by using the Likert 5-categories questionnaire to 156 students of accounting education in FPEB UPI Bandung year 2010-2012.  The data used Path Analysis Model.  The model was used to identify the direct and indirect associative relation of the exogenous variables on the endogenous variable. The results showed students’ learning achievement was excellent, self regulated learning was medium, learning motivation and self efficacy of accounting education in FPEB UPI was high, and there was influence of self-efficacy and learning motivation simultaneously and significantly towards self regulated learning and there was influence of self-efficacy, learning motivation and

self regulated learning simultaneously and significantly toward learning achievement.


Key Words : self efficacy, learning motivation, students’ learning achievement, self-regulated learning


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