
  • Ruaida Ruaida Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Amrusi Amrusi
  • Agusni Pohan




In a family other than acting as a wife, women also function as housewives. This maens women who organize various kinds of household affairs. The purpuse of this research is to find out the social condition of female seekers in Singkil, to find out the factors that drive women in search for lokan in Singkil and the obstacles faced by lokan seekers while working. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach in the form of descriptive, qualitative research intends to explore socio-economic conditions. And describes and menginterprestasikan data obtained in the field from the informants. Data collection is done in general there are four kinds of data collection techniques that is observation, interview, and documentation. In qualitative research, data collection is performed on scientific conditions, primary data sources in data collection techniques more interviews and observations. To collect technical data used in this research. Based on the results of data analysis, the findings of this study can be put forward as follows First, about the socioeconomic conditions of women seekers lokan. In view of age, education, side work, the number of dependents, income, expenses and facilities owned in the familyof women who work as lokan seekers. Their average age is 37-55. Which is classified as a middle-aged, and they have dependents of 2-6 children, they also do not have side jobs just take a lokan based on the river Singkil, educational level in which women seek lokan average finish elementary, junior high school. Furthermore, the factors driving the women work because of the lack of fulfilling the needs of living in the household Mother/wife work to ease the burden on the husband and to meet daily needs and increase the cost of child education. The average income ig women seeking lokan per day Rp. 50.000-60.000. The income can still be said to be low and not sufficient for the needs of living in the family. Women are looking to work hard for their children’s education. They have to take so much risk when diving under the river, there are wild animals (crocodiles) that regularly attack the lokan seekers and other obstacles they can not work when floods and rising tide.

Keywords : Social, Economic and Women



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