
  • Ruaida Ruaida Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Alfi Syahri
  • Munirawati Munirawati




The initiative of the Government of Sabang City to provide every underprivileged student an education fee assistance up to Rp. 2.000.000, 00 per year was aimed to help students fulfilling their basic needs for school. As the financial aid was transferred through parents to buy necessary facilities and school-related needs to support their kids’ education, the school authorities and also the Government of Sabang City wishes to see some improvements in student performance. Unfortunately, in contrast with the purpose of the education fees assistance, many students who got the financial aid have been found still lacking of basic needs. Therefore, this research would like to observe the utilization of the education fees assistance by the Government of Sabang City. The three major purposes of this study are (1) to find out what are the students’ needs, (2) and how to use the education fee assistance (based on a statement of commitment / absolute responsibility for the use of special regional cost assistance specified in Sabang City Mayor regulation 420/520 in 2017) and lastly (3) to know the parents opinions about the financial aid program by the government. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. The location of this study is in Sabang city and all interviews were conducted at the house of Sabang State Islamic Senior High School students in this study involving 14 parents of grade XII students. Data collection was done through observation, interview and documentation techniques, while data analysis techniques were done by data reduction, presentation, and verification/ conclusion. Based on the results of research conducted on the Utilization of City Government Education Fees Assistance of Senior High School (Madrasah Aliyah Sabang) Students, the education fees assistance provided by the Government of Sabang City has not been fully utilized according to the recommended needs by the teacher. According to parents, the funds are very helpful, and they hope that there will be an increase in the nominal of the financial aid for the following year due to the rise of goods price in Sabang city.

Keywords: Utilization, education fees assistance, city government.




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